Become a Support Partner
We believe that family homelessness needs a community response. Join the team of interfaith churches/groups, businesses and organizations making a difference.
Become a Support Partner:
□ Send a communications representative to monthly Family Promise CORE meetings (6 times a year). This person will help us advertise Family Promise news, events, and needs to your church/organization.
□ Consider financial support of Family Promise of Riverside.
___ Add a line item in our budget: $ ______________(yearly or monthly).
___ Take a special offering once a year or host a fundraising event.
□ Be paired with a Host Site and coordinate meals for guests (1 week at a time, 4 times a year).
□ Provide volunteers on an “as needed” basis: cook, play games with families, transport bedding, set “home-like” spaces up, clean and refresh rooms.
Become a Support Partner: Commitment Form
Consider becoming a Support Partner by supporting Family Promise financially and/or with volunteers. You can print and mail the Support Partner Form to 7200 Magnolia Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 or email and we will contact you.
Become a Host Site: Commitment Form
If you think your organization, faith group, or business can help host click the "form link" above. You can print and mail this form to 7200 Magnolia Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 or email and we will contact you.
Share this website or print and pass out our brochure. Together, we can end family homelessness.
Thank you to all who make our work possible (including but not limited to):
Host Sites:
Support Partners: